Youth Education
We’re a coalition started by youth, driven by youth, making legislation to affect youth. We want involvement from across the political spectrum.
We'd like youth to learn in a setting with other youth. Public High Schools have the opportunity to reach students of all backgrounds, and we can share the opportunities surrounding donation effectively.
Through a two-day curriculum, currently in development, our team hopes to give more people the opportunity to be exposed to the concept of living and deceased donation.
Grace Tapani, Even Roden and Henry Mclaughlin all were members of the Donate Life Club at East Aurora High School. The club grew really quickly with the majority of the high school participating in blood drives.
As we learned more, we knew we needed to do more. While studies show between 85% and 95% of New Yorkers are interested in becoming organ donors, only about 37% of people do. That's the lowest opt-in rate of any state or country.